Dataset: /thredds/ncss/public/netcdf/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

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Variables with available Times: 0.0 435935.0 584975.0 883007.0 1321295.0 hours since 1950-01-01

Abyssal = Abyssal area - The water area of the cell that lies within the abyssal zone 4000m depth based on min max elevation and proportion in depth zone
Area0_20 = Area at depth - Area in cell from 0 20 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
Area20_40 = Area at depth - Area in cell from 20 40 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
Area40_60 = Area at depth - Area in cell from 40 60 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
Area60_80 = Area at depth - Area in cell 60 80 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
Area80_100 = Area at depth - Area in cell from 80 100 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
AreaBelow100 = Area at depth - Area in cell below 100 m depth in square kilometers as provided by Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry and Elevation
CellArea = Cell area - The total area inside the cell in square kilometers using WGS84 and Miller cylindrical projection KGS description
Coral = Coral proportion - Proportion of whole even non water cell covered by coral WCMC pixelclassify NOT corrected to 284 300 sq km globally World Atlas of Coral Reefs UNEP WCMC 2001
CountryMain = Country - UN code number of country island or area to which the largest land area of this cell belongs for all inland and coastal cells
CountrySecond = CountrySecond - UN code number of country island or area to which the second largest land area of this cell belongs for all inland and coastal cells
CountryThird = CountryThird - UN code number of country island or area to which the third largest land area of this cell belongs for all inland and coastal cells
DepthMax = Depth - maximum - Maximum ETOPO 2min bathymetry negative elevation in 30min cell
DepthMean = Depth - mean - Mean ETOPO 2min bathymetry negative elevation in 30min cell
DepthMin = Depth - minimum - Minimum ETOPO 2min bathymetry negative elevation in 30min cell
DepthSD = Depth - standard deviation - Standard deviation of mean bottom depth below sea level in meters as provided by ETOPO2
EEZ = Exclusive economic zone - Code number of country island or area to which EEZ area of this cell belongs for all coastal and oceanic cells
ELimit = Easternmost limit - Eastern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude positive in E hemisphere negative in W hemisphere
ElevationMax = Elevation - maximum - Maximum elevation above sea level in cell in meters as provided by ETOPO2
ElevationMean = Elevation - mean - Mean elevation above sea level in meters as provided by ETOPO2
ElevationMin = Elevation - minimum - Minimum elevation above sea level in meters as provided by ETOPO2
ElevationSD = Elevation - standard deviation - Standard deviation of mean elevation above sea level in meters as provided by ETOPO2
Estuary = Estuary area - Area of estuaries in the cell
FAOAreaIn = FAO area - inland - Integer code number of FAO statistical area into which this cell falls for all inland and coastal cells
FAOAreaM = FAO area - marine - Integer code number of FAO statistical area into which this cell falls for all oceanic and coastal cells
IceConAnn = Ice concentration - Mean annual ice cover in percent
IceConFal = Ice concentration - autumn
IceConSpr = Ice concentation - spring
IceConSum = Ice concentration - summer
IceConWin = Ice concentration - winter
IslandsNo = Number of islands - Number integer of coastal or oceanic islands contained in cell as provided by the World Vector Shoreline database
LME = Large marine ecosystem - Integer code number of the large marine ecosystem to which this cell belongs
LMEBorder = LMEBorder - Tags whether or not cell lies along the border of an LME
LOICZID = LOICZ ID - LOICZ ID numbers are long integers from 1 to 259200 They begin with the cell centered at 89 75 degrees N latitude and 179 75 degrees W latitude and proceed from West to East
LandDist = Land distance - Distance km to the nearest coastal cell water cells only
MEOW = Marine Ecoregions of the World - A Bioregionalization of Coastal and Shelf Areas
MPA = Marine protected area - Proportion of cell covered by marine protected area
NLimit = Northernmost limit - Northern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude positive in N hemisphere negative in S hemisphere
OceanArea = Ocean area - The area in the cell that is normally covered by sea water or permanent ice in square kilometers KGS description
OceanBasin = Ocean basin - Major ocean basins of world with north and south sub basins separated by latitudinal data from literature
PWater = Water proportion - Proportion of water in each cell
PrimProdMean = Primary productivity - Proportion of annual primary production in a cell
SBTAnMean = Bottom temperature - Mean annual sea bottom temperature in degrees Celsius
SLimit = Sourthernmost limit - Southern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude positive in N hemisphere negative in S hemisphere
SSTAnMean = Surface temperature - Mean annual sea surface temperature in degree Celsius
SSTAnSD = Surface temperature - standard deviation - Standard deviation of mean annual sea surface temperature in degree Celsius as derived from NCEP SST Climatology 1982 1999 for all coastal and oceanic cells
SSTMnMax = Surface temperature - maximum - Mean annual maximum sea surface temperature in degree Celsius as derived from NCEP SST Climatology 1982 1999 for all coastal and oceanic cells
SSTMnMin = Surface temperature - minimum - Mean annual minimum sea surface temperature in degree Celsius as derived from NCEP SST Climatology 1982 1999 for all coastal and oceanic cells
SSTMnRange = Surface temperature - range - Mean annual range of sea surface temperature in degree Celsius as derived from NCEP SST Climatology 1982 1999 for all coastal and oceanic cells
SalinityBMean = Bottom salinity - Mean annual bottom salinity in Practical Salinity Scale PPS
SalinityMax = Surface salinity - maximum - Maximum monthly salinity in psu as provided by the World Ocean Atlas for all coastal and oceanic cells
SalinityMean = Surface salinity - Mean annual salinity in psu
SalinityMin = Surface salinity - minimum - Minimum monthly salinity in psu as provided by the World Ocean Atlas for all coastal and oceanic cells
Seamount = Seamounts - Number of SAUP and known GRD Gazetteer SeamountsOnline seamounts attributed to the cell
Shelf = Shelf area - The water area of the cell that lies within the shelf zone 0 200m depth based on min max elevation and proportion in depth zone
Slope = Slope area - The water area of the cell that lies within the slope zone 200 4000m depth based on min max elevation and proportion in depth zone
TidalRange = Tidal range - Extent of tides in scaled discrete classes as provided by the original LOICZ Database for all coastal and oceanic cells
WLimit = Westernmost limit - Western boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude positive in E hemisphere negative in W hemisphere
WaveHeight = Wave height - Height of waves in scaled discrete classes as provided by the original LOICZ Database for all coastal and oceanic cells

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